
Leaflet / Manual / Booklet / Bedienungsanleitung / Manuel d'utilisation :

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

And while i am still here...

... i might as well tell you that not only Qualital Konnyüfémipari Feldolgozó Vállalat was casting coffee makers sold under the trademark "Atomic" in Hungary, but also the Kiskőrösi Vegyes Kisipari Termelőszövetkezet.


Now i have said it.

*sigh of relief*

Imre Simon's Szigony Müszaki Vállalat was Qualital Konnyüfémipari Feldolgozó Vállalat's sole retailer for these machines... But it is worth noticing that it also was the business to contact in case a machine needed servicing, even if the machines were manufactured by other businesses.

Yet another leaflet:

Such a joy to witness these artefacts of the past surface from unforeseen nowhere!

Other leaflet of the Kiskőrösi Vegyes Kisipari Termelőszövetkezet here

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