
Leaflet / Manual / Booklet / Bedienungsanleitung / Manuel d'utilisation :

Friday, 22 July 2016

Great piece of advice: Destroy its mint condition!


Seldom, Beautiful, Mint condition, Striking


Regular, Usual, Boring, Destroyed

Great advice indeed!

Likely unlikely

What you will witness now might be the first ever documented Box Reproduction!!!

Thursday, 21 July 2016

A documentary about Arthur Radebaugh in the making!!! AT LAST!!!

Please make Brett Ryan's life easier and CONTRIBUTE!!!

Here is the most typed KEYWORD on my BLOG:

And here my collection of Newspapers cuts:

Friday, 15 July 2016


While looking at this picture, i realised that:

_ It was not made by the Family Robbiati,
_ The badge says it is a reproduction,
_ I don't know where it was made,
_ The badge shows undeniable good humour,
_ The Italian on the Badge is perfect.

And you?