
Leaflet / Manual / Booklet / Bedienungsanleitung / Manuel d'utilisation :

Monday 16 January 2012

The more - the less

I am deeply indebted to the often anonymous people who have shared their documents with me, for the beautiful sake of sharing.

I received another one yesterday which triggered the post of today.

I posted my collection some time ago last year. I hope the last 4 posts will be able to guide you to the leaflet you are looking for.

I made big eyes again... a fifth similar pamphlet!!!... yet, another different one!

Let's have a look at them:

Spanish, Green and with a head heater?

You don't understand spanish?

here is the english version:

You will notice the 3 different sizes of the boiler : 3 - 6 - 9 cups!!!


Here, the head heater moved to its well known place on the neck!

Another typography and an extra sentence:
"with any kind of heating, one obtains perfect coffee in a few minutes"

Another extra on this one!!!!
Instructions to froth milk (see top right corner!).
Stamped with blue ink on top of the leaflet.
(please send a scan if you are the owner!!!!)

You have another one?

Forward a picture or a scan to me!

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