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Friday 5 August 2011

The Kenya Coffee Company and their secret AEGSKBC recipe.

"The Kenya Coffee Company was inaugurated in 1922 by an ex-planter from Kenya. Wing Commander Gibbs. with the object of marketing coffee grown by his fellow planters at a time of considerable slump in world coffee prices, when, in fact, coffee was burnt in Brazil. It remained a small business having two retail branches in the West End of London until at the time of his death it was bought by the John Gardner (London) Limited group.

Another half dozen retail branches were added to the original two and distribution to the catering trade was commenced. The post-war years were difficult under Government control but the company's business has grown some twentyfold since 1946. Its confidence in the future of the coffee industry in England is reflected in the decision to move from its old premises at 21 1 Long Lane, SEI, to the new, highly mechanized plant at Earlsfield which we recently had the pleasure of visiting.

The Kenya Coffee Company buys its green coffee from all over the world. It purchases through its brokers direct from the country of origin, in addition to buying supplies from the London Coffee Market. In the main the green coffee is bought direct from the country of origin. The green coffee is transported from warehouse to plant, in amounts which vary according to the quantity required for processing, and is kept in the plant storage area. Most varieties of bean are packed in 132 lb. bags. Mocha comes in bales of approximately 1 1/2 cwt.; Blue Mountain, Jamaica, in 2 1/2 cwt. barrels. Transport from warehouse to plant is contracted out. The factory covers 10000 sq. ft of which 8.000 sq. ft. is to be used for coffee storage and production. The remaining space is to be used as a bakery which will supply the company's various restaurants. "

Food processing industry, Volume 25 IPC Consumer Industries Press, 1956

In the 60s, as the company changed its buying habits away from Kenya, it simply changed name and became Kenco.

The first coffee sold under the name Kenco dates 1962.

If you read everything until now - which i don't doubt - you might ask yourself what am i talking all about.

Wait until you see these two sheets:

Both sheets came from a coffee machine from the Brevetti Robbiati business that i purchased in London (It also came with its original leaflet in english language).
The italian machines were marketed in the U.K. by A.&M.G. Sassoon from 1955 onwards (until they ordered them to be made in a UK foundry).

The Kenya Coffee Company created  for this new-on-the-market coffee machine a special blend:

The "Atomic Espresso Grind Special Kenya Blend Coffee"

Which contact did the 2 businesses have ? The A&M.G. Sassoon were surely having cans of this blend in their shop... More is yet unknown unfortunately.

I have contacted of course the company... this is the answer i got:

"Dear Mr. ,
thank you very much for your kind inquiry. We are always pleased to hear from our consumers. Unfortunately we are not able to oblige to your request, because you asked for company-specific informations.
With kind regards"

Will we ever drink a cup of AEGSKBC?
Most probably not... re-issued by popular request?
One can only dream about it.

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