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Saturday 2 June 2012

Desider Stern - From Sept. '38 until March. '39 - Part 10

"Grillux" was a success and Desider Stern described as a "wealthy man".

After the loss his first 2 businesses, Mr. Stern recovered financially... but not for long.

On the 15th of March 1939, The Nazi troops occupy Böhmen (Bohemia) and Mähren (Moravia) and declare it German protectorate.

Adolf Hitler visits Prag on the same day.

(Source: Bundesarchiv Link)

Desider Stern during the day of the 15th of March, telephones with Mr. Grab and Mr. Román to inform them of his intention ...  takes one "Grillux" with him, the patents and a blanket, store these in a small suitcase and takes the train in the night direction Hungary.

Was Desider Stern already trying to leave the country beforehand - like his Family to Hungary in 1933, and 2 brothers in Palestine (1934) and the USA (1937) ?

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